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HIV - Info dari PU

Pelbagai usaha dilakukan untuk mencari ubatan HIV telah dilakukan di seluruh dunia. Tiba-tiba kita digegar oleh penemuan seorang ulamak dari Yaman.(Shiekh Abdul Majid) Walaupun ianya dipertikaikan namun mereka boleh membuktikan ratusan patien yang sembuh dengan perubatan mereka. Syukur. Rahsia ini menjadi kajian di barat sehinggakan mereka sangat cemburu dengan penemuan ulamak Islam dari negara tersebut.

Di negara kita pula ,banyak juga kita mendengar ada klinik yang mampu mengubati penyakit HIV dan ada pula yang dijatuhkan hukuman di mahkamah kerana dakwaan mereka itu. Kenapa isu HIV sangat sensitif? dimana ada masalah disitu ada peluang.....sesiapa yang menjumpai ubatannya akan sangat terkenal didunia pengubatan dan penjualan ubatan tersebut juga menjadi besar.
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Pandangan Syiekh Dr Yusuf al-Qaradhawi
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Alim ulamak bersepakat mengatakan bahawa menuntut ilmu perubatan itu hukumnya adalah fardu kifayah atau satu tanggungjawab yang dikenakan keatas orang islam secara umum untuk mempelajarinya. Ganjarannya amat luas jika dilaksanakan dengan jalan yang diredhai Allah.
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Iridologi adalah satu kaedah sains untuk memahami mesej (bahasa badan) dimana melalui penganalisaan dapat menceritakan maklumat-maklumat keadaan tahap kesihatan tubuh badan yang terkandung dalam setiap petanda pada anak mata (iris). Struktur tubuh manusia terdiri dari otak, saraf, organ, fizikal dan tulang belakang. Otak merupakan sistem kawalan keseluruhan saraf menjadi penghubung antara seluruh badan. Organ fizikal adalah organ tubuh badan dan tulang belakang merupakan punca kepada sistem saraf.

Oleh itu, ANDA boleh mengetahui kelemahan sistem badan ANDA dengan kaedah IRIDOLOGI (mengesan masalah sistem badan melalui anak mata hitam). Kaedah ini amat terkenal di Negara Barat. Kami menyarankan ANDA mencuba kaedah IRIDOLOGI, semoga dengan pemeriksaan yang terperinci anda dapat mengatasi sekaligus merawat masalah yang selama ini tidak ANDA ketahui.

"Berubatlah ANDA sebelum datangnya PENYAKIT"

Background to Iridology

Iridology is a safe, non-invasive and inexpensive diagnostic technique that can be integrated into both orthodox and complementary medicine. The central assumption of iridology is that the iris is associated via multiple nerve connections to the organs. Through the identification of abnormalities of pigmentation in the iris, iridology is used for the diagnosis of medical conditions and ‘re-disease states. It is thought that the location of abnormalities or patterns on the iris is associated with the location of the medical condition in the body. A detailed map of the iris divided into 60 sectors, each corresponding to an inner organ or bodily function has been developed.

Medical research in several European countries and Russia in particular has established greater acceptance of iridology. In Russia, a trial involving 800,000 patients found Iridology to be 85% accurate in diagnosis; in South Korea clinical trials by the government found that on average Iridology was 78.2% accurate but with an impressive 90.2% accuracy in the diagnosis of digestive system disorders. By contrast, orthodox medicine considers other diagnostic techniques as reliable if they are accurate within a range of 30 - 40%. However some 'double blind' tests using photography have found there is no evidence that iridology works.

By Frankie Avalon Wolfe, MHH, PhD

Did you ever ponder why "a twinkle in your eye" and "a spring in your step" go together? Iridologists and natural health believers might say it’s because these are clear signs of vibrant health!

Since there are always two sides to every story, and a sparkle denotes health, can a lack of sparkle mean ill health? Some believe this is so and claim to be able to see: tendencies to heart problems, blood sugar imbalances, spinal misalignment, poor digestion, mineral deficiencies, constipation, high cholesterol and many other factors all by looking into your eyes!

The practice of looking into someone’s eyes, studying the lines, markings, and colors of the iris to detect states of health, is known as IRIDOLOGY "eye-rid-doll-oh-gee". The iris is the colored part of the eye. Most iridologists only read the iris, although many iridologists take into account other parts of the eye; such as the white part of the eye called the sclera. Other areas surrounding the eyeball, such as the presence of bags under the eye or the condition of the eyelids reveals further information about a person’s condition.

Iridology is a science mostly practiced in Europe by medical doctors, although it has gained much popularity with holistically oriented practitioners in the United States.

Many iridologists use this practice along with their particular modality of natural healing--most commonly herbs or other nutritional supplements. Chiropractors, nurses, massage therapists, reflexologists, colonic therapists, physical therapists or nutritionists may also utilize iridology.

The eye reading does not diagnose, however, it does reveal genetically weak areas. The benefits gained by locating a person’s weaknesses are many. Iridologist’s know that any toxins taken into the body if not immediately eliminated will affect and sometimes settle into the weakest tissues in the body. This process, iridologists believe, can lead to degeneration, possible disease, and at the least, irritation.

Toxins are such things as air pollution, stress, polluted drinking water, household chemicals, preservatives, food additives, food colorings, pesticides and the general waste products the body makes on its own.

To briefly illustrate, lets say a person shows a weakened urinary system (urinary system includes the bladder, kidneys, urethra and ureter tubes). If this person becomes constipated, the toxins from the sluggish colon are backed up into the blood and are carried throughout the entire body in the bloodstream. When the toxins reach the urinary system that happens to be too weak to expel the poisons, the toxin may settle there and create irritation and a kidney or bladder infection may be the result. Knowing your weak areas, your iridologist can guide you to lifestyle changes, or supplemental additions to your diet that will help you strengthen these tissues and prevent future problems.

Whom does an iridology reading serve?

• Those suffering from mysterious symptoms which laboratory tests do not explain
• Basically healthy individuals who want to implement a personalized preventative lifestyle
• Sick persons whose medical treatments have failed, but are still determined to get well
• Parents of young children unable to determine their child’s problem
• Adult children of adoptive parents curious to know their own genetic traits
• Expecting parent’s who want to enhance a healthy pregnancy
• Those curious about the SOURCE of their illness
• Those interested in a natural approach to heal, balance or enhance their health

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